Cam Felismino

Cam Felismino

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Eduprenurial is a great concept that all colleagues should know in the academia. As leaderss, we have the repsonsibility to balance acdemia and business. We have to admit students that meets the basic crietria to qualify for the program. Admission is revenue. Then, we have to keep our students and allow them to persist to graduate and get their degree. This is done by provising academic rigor and hiring qualified faculty members. We need to admit and mainatin students in order fot the organization to surived and provide stuent and colleague resources.

The biggest take away is "Attention is Retention". It is a basic human need to be recognized and given attention to. Students came b=from different backgrounds and has different needs. The best time to give attention to our students is when:

1. The missed a class

2. They failed the first test

3. Observe change in demeanor

4. observe a pattern.

These are examples that we can proactively address future withdrawals and attrition because we are recahing out to stidents at the very first indictaion that they are needing help.

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