Diana Carolina Romero Dinas

Diana Carolina Romero Dinas

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Life is stressful. We cannot control many aspects of it. However, we can try to manage it.

This course helped me to remember the importance of managing my time wisely and its impact on my stress.

Also, I think it is important to share our knowledge with others, especially if we see them struggling. 

Learning healthy coping mechanisms can save our lives and others.


Too much stress can affect our health and reduce our productivity.

The course gives us very useful tools to identify our stressors, which I think is the first step to having a better life.

Comment on Shayna Sykes's post: I agree.

Time is a precious resource.

If we stay organized, it becomes easier to complete our tasks, and it saves us a lot of time. 

Comment on JUNE VASQUEZ's post: I cannot agree more. Organization is a every day task.

I appreciate the information that I am learning about time management.

I like to create a "to-do list" all the time, but thanks to this course I am learning better ways to prioritize and organize my tasks to manage better my time. 

It is crucial to help our students to stay motivated.

I knew that as instructors we need to find a way to continue stimulating the intrinsic motivators using extrinsic motivators, but thanks to this course I learned that even though extrinsic motivators are useful and sometimes necessary, they can be overused and have a negative effect.

Therefore, I will need to find a balance. 

Comment on Amanda Haddock's post: I agree with you. For nursing school is the same.

This course helped me to remember how important is to provide positive feedback and allow my students to take control of their learning process by encouraging them and providing a secure learning environment with security and autonomy.

As instructors, we need to keep changing and adapting to reach our students and keep them interested. It is not an easy task but I learned with this course many excellent tools and a variety of methods.

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