Fanak Fahimi

Fanak Fahimi

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I enjoyed every line of this course so far. The course is very needed especially at this time when we all do online teaching. I am going to use 3X5 cards for their assessment on the assignment and will definitely tell them stories related to the subject every now and then. I loved the idea of refocus strategies and will use them for my class.


Reply to Felicia Roberts's post:Hello Felicia. Inteersting comment, Can you elaborate what you put on class cards?

Reply to Rose Elam's post:Hello Rose, I have the same feeling. Thanks for sharing your comment.

"Nothing breeds success like success" Keeping that in mind, I always find a way to create an activity that the instruction is easy to follow and easy to accomplish. I enjoy the learn and apply as a bite size chunks of mini lectures which results in the best performance for the students.


Reply to Leia Trainor's post: I have tried being an active but neutral listener at the time of my student's frustration. It worked amazingly and calm the person down without me doing more!

Reply to Angela Marie Martinez's post: I totally agree. Age and culture affect the learning objectives a lot!

I would ask m,y students to fill out a quastioannaire at the beginning of each module to find out what are their career goals. I will try to help them expand and achieve their goals by encouraging them know their capabilities.


Discussion Comment

In my opinion, it might!!

I use UpToDate a lot which is the best evidence based medicine reference.

I have attached a screen shot for your review.

Reply to Peter Zapf's post:thats true. the class get bored if they only listen to you lecturing!

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