Gregory Jorgenson

Gregory Jorgenson

About me


The training made me more aware of the challenges and ways to be more flexible in presentation of class objectives.  Some groups need more structured curriculum than others. Giving the students the "Why?" helps them to engage in the learning. 

The course helped me re-think my questioning techniques to include more open ended type questions during class reviews and discussions. I also need to allow more wait times for responses to answers and in redirecting questions to other students

Being flexible in learning styles, Do frequent reviews and using the class, engage them in discussions on the current topics. These are good ways to keep student attention.  MAke the learning fun!!

Veterans are all different just like other students.  You can motivate them sometimes by giving them a W.I.F.M. (What's in it for me) for the learning and tasks they will be required to learn. They can be motivated by engaging in the learning activities. Possibly giving hands-on demonstrations. This builds confidence by seeing the process done correctly. The instructor just needs to be flexible with the learning to reach each of the students

I have noticed that veterans can bring some structure to the classroom even those with some challenges. Listening to each person and giving the student an option can mitigate some personality issues that may arise in the clasrrom or lab settings.  Giving out general information and where to find additional resources can be very helpful.

Just realize that all students are different and may require using many different methods.   In this module gives the reason for the G.I. bill. It was explained well and has a goal to reintegrate the service persons back into the working world.  Our job as instructors need to be flexible and willing to help the students where they are and help them integrate back into a learning environment.

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