glenn  ochi

glenn ochiCHEP

About me


Wow what an awesome course to truly see and understand where this generation is coming from.  Now i can use these tools to better understand what their needs are.


Technical resources is what i have used from time to time to allow students to look up the topic of discussion on their mobile devises and i then go around the room to discuss their findings and then as a class we analyze the results, then apply our daily recipes to what they found and problem solve so we can find a solution. I then ask them to compare the technique to their own cooking skills. The next lecture day everyone does a self assessment of what worked and what did not.
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I like to problem solve situations or topics of discussion that utilizes bodily kinesthetic intelligence. Often times i will dicuss a subject matter like making a hollandaise sauce. As i am asking for methodology by thinking ahead of what is the next step would be. My students are now asked to become involved in critical thinking and problem solving for the final outcomes. I then even go farther by asking them how to fix this sauce after it has broke. I love this exercise as it really gets them to think for themselves.
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The first thing that pops into my mind about this topic is the customers perspectives. I often use this exercise in the classroom for my students to think ahead of what the customer reaction will be when you cook a meal improperly to them. How will the customer react and how would you problem solve this senario. I find that by using open question and probing others input is a great tool for problem solving.
Critical thinking seems too simple for most where the student has to apply common sense to their surroundings. I teach in the culinary arts and often times my students get caught up in the moment and forget what comes natural to them. I find that those individuals who think for themselves, rather than their fellow classmates over comes these obstacles.

This course was awesome as it taught me to see how my students sees me from their point of view.  Speaking to them in terms that they can relate to goes a lot longer than beating them up.  My students are more responsive and not afraid to ask questions in need.


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I have been using this practice for quite sometime now and i find that by keeping everything in the classroom professional gives my students the sense of importance. While on the flip side encouraging them to have fun while they are cooking their food. Showing enthusiasm and praise for their efforts, especially when they follow your lead and cook delicious tasting food really makes you and the student feel good about themselves. I feel that by keeping your emotions in check goes a lot longer and you will receive more respect, but sometimes i feel that you have to show… >>>

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I find that by setting the bar on day one sets the tone and behavior in the classroom. I find that by going over in detail the class outline and objective is one of the keys to a successful term. I teach the advanced culinary arts where my students only have one more class before completing the program. I stress the importance of being prepared and those who show lack of preparness are the ones who suffers in production. Another tool i use is what we call a production schedule where the student will have to analyze the cooking procedures… >>>

This class was extremely helpful with new techniques to use on our students.  I have used some already with outstanding results


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In the past i usually ask direct questions and have only had a few responses back. Today in lecture i used the example of "I'd like to answer some of your questions at this point and may i have the first one please" Wow what a difference as i had about half the class raise their hands about my expectations on their final cooking assessment menu. I like it and will use simalar senerios moving forward. This is a useful tool with todays younger generation and a great teaching tool of us old school teachers ^_^

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