lisa anthony

lisa anthony

About me


Educational practices must meet set standards. This  helps schools and educators focus on their primary mission which is delivering quality education while maintaining ethical standards and accountability.  It is our responsibility to protect students educational records, personal information and financial information. 

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I also found this to be very informative and is a good reminder. Everybody benefits when there is trust among students and staff. Trust enables the developmnet of welcoming, engaging and  positive learning enviornments where everyonr in the school can thrive. 

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2 main purposes of FERPA is to give students control over thier educational records and to prevent the school from sharing the students infrmation without their consent. I often relate this to HIPAA

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It is important to be 100% knowledgable of schools policies and procedures. At the end of the day it is all about compliance. 

While documenting student interactions it is important to focus on facts and events, and to be clear, concise and professional 

Compliance management is centered when a college is aligned and conforms to organizational regulations, ethics and standards, this refects committment to responsible practices, eithical cultures and organizational integrity. 

Important to review course structure content and assignments and implement revisions when necessary 

feedback allows the learner to have rapid knowledge of their strengths and where they need areas of improvement

Scaffolding allows the students to have clear expectations

Consistency is the key!

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