Jenna Hayes

Jenna Hayes

No additional information available.


I'm finding this information to be useful when considering how I engage with my online students.

I'm learning information that I find to be extremely helpful when facilitating my online courses.

I appreciate learning more about this subject.

I am looking forward to learning more about this topic!

I appreciate being able to better learn and understand how to help students within this area.

I so appreciate being able to gain more knowledge about this area when it comes to engaging with students within an online setting.

I so appreciate being able to learn more about this topic in order to better assist my students.

I so appreciate being able to learn more about this topic, as well as how it influences how I teach my online courses.

I am so appreciative for this opportunity to learn more about this aspect of FERPA and how I can implement this knowledge as an instructor.

I am so appreciative to have this opportunity to learn more about this subject and how it affects both me and my students.

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