Jenny ONeal

Jenny ONeal

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Allow students a chance to tell a story, but don't let it throw off your entire lesson plan for the day.

Take a few minutes and engage with your students about random topics.  It's okay to have fun and still get the material covered.

Framing my lecture around experiences my students can relate to will be most beneficial. 

Be confident in yourself and your knowledge.  Your ability to develop your own way of presenting it will unfold on its own.

Make sure I'm the one running my classroom.

I actually sort of like the "observer" concept.  It will make all student take notes because they don't know when they'll be called on.

Always make sure that my classroom expectations are clear and give reminders of due dates throughout the course.

We start every med-term class off with Kahoot! students love it.  They enjoy seeing who wins along with their own growth.

Asking what tools were helpful in the past seems like the fastest and easiest way to get any necessary accommodations in place.

Assign small or short projects to ensure they're all understanding.

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