Kim Alexander

Kim Alexander

About me


It is essential to stay compliant. Being non-compliant will cause us to misinform our students and will be not be giving correct information to our students and will get us a bad name as well as we will loose our accreditation. And not to mention get you on the other side of the door.
It is very essential to know your school and all the different departments your school has to offer. You want to leave a potential student feeling that they are excited about enrolling that they have made the best choice possible for their future. So it is best to stay knowledgeable of all the different careers associated with the different programs so when the potential student asks you, you will be able to tell them the different fields that they will be able to go into once they have completed their degree.
The admissions process is a very important step that is where we discuss the process for entering the school and make sure that all of the paperwork is completed and explained to the student in detail. Setting clear expectation with your student on what is involved and what will be required of them always makes for a better experience. Of course you cannot set those expectation unless you fully understand the paper work involved, why it is needed and explain things clearly to your student to ensure they understand.

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