I have not used a document entitled "Design Specs" - and I look forward to using this!
I intend on applying the five different types of lecture format: expository, suspensful answer, problem solving, case study, and interactive.
I learned the diffferent types of questions that could be used: polar, leading, funnel, probing, open-ended.
I appreciated the listing of the navigational link types: overview, notes, calendar, assignments, discussion, location.
I hadn't used the 7 Principles for Learning since grad school -- I most appreciated your depiction of this from both the instructor's and the student's perspective.
I learned many new things about participation and engagement. I am especially interested in using the Exit Slip technique for after synchronouse class meeting.
I learned quite a bit about Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, and I found myself really appreciating the techniques instructors can use to keep students motivated.
I learned about the various evaluation methods and when it is appropriate to use each one.
I enjoyed the key components of feedback.
provide good detailed instructions to students about effective communications.
End of Content
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