About me
About me
The information on the different types of personality traits was very informatiove.
Formative and Summative course revisions are essential to use in order to make on line courses better and more benificial for the students.
I learned about thecommunication standards for communicating with my students. Also the information on feedbac k is very important.
Learning specific methods for managing overloads and good time mnagement skills are important.
I learned that proper time management requires good organization of the material to be presented. Also that when you are developing your on line course you need the proper environment so that your time management will be most effective.
I learned about value added assessments and how to use them. Also the additional information on using rubics was very informative.
I learned the differenced between norm and objective asseesments and different types of both assessments.
The information on assesments and evaluations was very good information. The information concerning formative and sumaritive assesments provided me with good information which I will put to use.
You must select the best tools from what is available and make sure that it will enhance the students learning and not hinder thier learning.
The information on blogging, how to go about setting one up was good information.
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