The seven principles of learning for both instructors and students were a valuable guidline in understanding the roles and responsibilities with learning in an online envionrment. Despite them being written in 1996 I believe these principles can all easily be applied in an online course of instruction.
It is important to understand the general workload of a student per week which was stated as 3-5 hrs of coursework time needed to read, understand, and articulate information in discussion boards. It was also good to remind instructors that learners with potential disabilities will still need consideration in an online envionrment.
I learned the importance of utilizing a rubic to assess students. This provides consistentsy and transparency throughout the course.
I have learned that communication misunderstandings are inevidable but what is most important is learning how to appriopritately deconflict these issues. It is also important to understand your students and how different ages have different methods of communication.
Understanding communication and how to ensure that as an instructor your communication code of conduct is clear, consice, and encourages a learning envionrment is vital. This section provided good information and resources when developing one for your course.
I think it was important to understand both the formative and summaritive points when discussing technology communication. I agree that ensuring all students have access is critical to the success of the technology method being utilized.
I think the important take away here is the importance of consistency when building a course and its layout. It gives students a path to better understand the course and achieve learning objectives.
This section did a good job outlining the key responsibilities of instructors and some of the challenges to be prepared for like managing communication and supporting a learning enviornment.
It was valuable to know that synchronis and asynchronis methods both have their place when teaching a class. Utlizing a asynchronis method has a major advantage of helping to overcome differing time zones of students.
It was important to learn you shouldn't revise your course based soley on student feedback and it takes multiple sources from stakeholders to make revisions.
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