Michele Davis

Michele Davis

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Taking True Color into consideration, individuals can develop color-conscious teaching strategies and lessons designed to help all students succeed, regardless of their learning personality. 

The different styles of instructors' behaviors; two of the styles are the demonstrator/coach style and facilitator/activity style.

That all the TC types have similar strengths and weaknesses. 

Hippocrates' thoughts on phlegm, heart, lung, bile, and kidney functions were used to assess an individual's personality and traits. 

Utilizing, blogging as a tool to assess student learning and comprehension of the subject being studied. Additionally, blogging is an open site, where students and educators can engage with content experts and other visitors who can add value to your online course.

Interestingly enough microblogging can connect the assignment to the course learning outcomes. There are so many ways to learn through microblogging from following a person, topic or to summarizing a blog, message, or article. 

I like the concept of utilizing a rubric for students to ascertain they have gained the knowledge and understanding needed to complete the learning objective. Rubrics can be used effectively to assess the use of wikis and blogs as media hosting and sharing sites. Wikis and blogs can be used as media hosting and sharing sites as they provide the platform for embedding existing videos, links, audio, and other media.

I love utilizing social media tools as supplemental education in the classroom. This is an excellent tool for summarizing a subject's theory: read it, see it, and then apply the concept. Additionally, receiving information from multiple points of view, opinions, and perceptions helps us grow and establish new ways of communicating with an open viewpoint. 

As the lesson states, social media can allow for privacy and create a more productive learning session through diversity and inclusion.

Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs)/digital educational components that can be cataloged, reused, archived, and stored for future use. 

Utilizing YouTube to give online instructions to students.

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