Nichole  Basmajian

Nichole Basmajian

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I am leaning towards believing that adaptive learning will become the new norm in educational institutions. AL is becoming more sophisticated while appealing to a wide variety of students. However, adaptive learning won’t replace teachers, just change how we teach and how the students learn.

The first step in the plan for impelmeting an AL environment is to develop an overall understanding of various categories of learners. It may not be a "one size fits all" plan but can be based on course content, learning environment and culture of classroom and students. As instructors, we should have a role in reviewing AL products to determine the most appropriate materials and resources that best help the student reach their overall learning objectives.

Although educational institutions face numerous challenges but the need for educational expansion and advancements in technology have driven the rise of AL. As instructors, we are facilitators and motivators while the real stakeholder in Adaptive Learning is the student. They must be driven to participate and also have a desire to take part in personlized, individualized learning designed specifically for them.

Adaptive Learning expands educational opportunities using technological advances. It offers personalized learning, real time feedback and self-paced progression so students can learn at their own speed and appropriate level. This can help increase engagement and builds on previously learned information.


Classroom support material and notes are important or lesson plans won't be as effective. Keep an open mind and be creative with staying current with information and technology. I utilize rubrics in the classroom for assessment as a clear cut way to grade, so as to avoid concerns or controversy, should it arise. Know the classroom demographic and learning styles while striving to make the order and flow of course content logical, sequential and engaging.

Lesson plans are written in concert with the objectives chosen for a specific course. Objectives are intended to be measurable, specific and concise giving the students an idea of what they will learn and the skills they will develop. Set standards to increase their abitlity to perform while conducting assessments to measure a student's progress toward meeting set standards.

Lesson plans are important in giving direction, sequence an dstructure to the delivery of the course content. Learning objectives and standards will help establish what you want to accomplish. Be detailed, document all plans and stay organized!

Decide what to teach and be competent in the subject matter. A good instructor should be able to remain flexible and adaptable while being aware of the compression factor. Know your audience so you can identify instructional deliveries that work with the CURRENT class setting. Each and every class will be different!

Incorporation of formative assessment along with finding a balance between perception and value

Have a Plan B available at all times and being diligent about planning dailies focusing the student's ability to complete tasks

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