Ninive Martin Del Campo

Ninive Martin Del Campo

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What I have learned from this module is there are many technological tools an online instructor can use to enhance online learning. They can use podcast, virtual classrooms, blogs, wikis, and online journals, to enhance student learning and have a successful Online class.

Ninive Martin Del Campo

Hello Team,

I agree with Shareen Vogel, that this course helped me to understand the importance of giving and receiving feedback. 

Reply to Donald Hayes's post: Hello Donald, yes Instructor should revised the rubric due to following these steps learned in this section are we folloing the guidelines and is the rubric at proper criteria and is it reliable and valid.

Reply to Lisa Hershey's post:  Hello Lisa Hershey, I agree that the rubric need to modied review to promote quality feedback.

Hello team, what I took in this section of the course was that we must review, pre-test a rubric to ensure the rubric is following good development guidelines and is it the proper criteria reliable and valid. 

Reply to Philip Gray's post:Hello Philip, I didn't think about looking at Rubrics online but so glad I took this section of the course to better guide me on that directions.

Reply to Aarti Savoor's post: Hello Aarti Savoor's. Yes building a rubric is a complex process I just learned about how Technical Quality/Fairness should allow for rubrics to be fair to all student including English as a secondary language.  Liked you stated in your post a well created rubric will allow to evaluate themself and help meet their requirements listed in the rubric.

Something I didn't consider before was that I need to ask myself if Technical Quality Fairness should allow for rubric to be fair to all students, including English as a secondary language.  It is something I will definitely reconsider when creating a rubric.

Reply to Jose SantosRomeu's post: Hello SantosRomeu's yes, you're correct that you must plan ahead in developing a rubric to improve feedback from instructor and student for higher learning.

Reply to Kara Sponsler's post:  Hello Mrs. Sponsler's, I agree that getting student to analize will help in their problems solving and provide them with constructing their own knowledge. 

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