Nance Munderloh

Nance Munderloh

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Going with the assumption that everyone will be polite and give full effort is not a productive plan.  Having guidelines sets expectations and eliminates actions that could take place, even if unintended, that could sidetrack the class and cause personal hurt to a learner.


I appreciated the review of types of communication and what is most effective for different types of interaction.  With so much available, it was great to have a concise review to point me in a direction to explore.  I hope to incorporate more tools in the future.


Relevence! Students want a connection and a reason for engaging.  


Learners deserve the time it takes to give fair and thoughtful feedback delivered in a manner that encourages learning.


Effective communicaton is critical.  Both synchronous and asynchronus are great methods, a combination is a welcome optiion for both students and instructors.


Today's learning opportunites are varied and exciting giving learners opportunity to interact with the world in a myriad of ways.


It is easy to get in a rut when evaluating.  Great suggestions that I will put back in my toolbox for use.


Feedback validates the students effort as well as guiding learning and encouraging deeper thought.


I plan to be very mindful of the importance of consistency. I also want to be sure to be diligent in remembering each group is different and working to accommodate the needs of the students through the course, not trying to force them into a rigid course.


On line classes, just like face to face, have individual dynamics that need to be assessed and catered to in order to have a successful community.  Instructors must be willing to be active or take a back seat and facilitate depending upon the group.  Scaffolding is so important to assure students are able to take the most from the class.


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