Kerry Stehlik

Kerry Stehlik

About me


I guess it is very easy to utilize the way your teachers taught when you were young and you want to replicate that format. How does one break away from that habit? I realize there are so many other options, however; it is very difficult to change. Your thought's?
I don't personally think that the general amount of communication that takes place between the student and instructor is sufficient. One on one communication is vastly (in my opinion) being a thing of the past. Texting and tweeting and the electronic era is de-scentitizing one on one human communication. Your thought's?
With all the classroom planning and preparation, what different techniques can be used by the instructor?

I have enjoyed the ED104 Class Management Strategies. These strategies bring to light many methods that I have either used or will incorporate in my daily teaching. Human nature touches all of us as to how we react to certain situations we happened to be in. It is true, one size does not fit all and I have to be aware of the different ways to present my material in order to make the students successful and provide a better quality of life for them and their family.

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