About me
Hi! I am Dr. Nancy Tosh. In the 1990s, I decided to reenter college and have master’s degrees in religious studies and sociology from the University of South Florida, a doctorate in religious studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and 18 credit hours of graduate work in psychology from Argosy University. I became a college instructor while still in graduate school. Since I have taught many different courses in religious studies and the social sciences, I have broadened my research interests in order to stay up-to-date in all my classes. I have been a college instructor since 1995 and an online instructor since 2003. I have taught at West Coast University since 2019. I teach courses in the humanities, philosophy, and the social sciences.
My non-academic life is composed of motherhood, friends and family. In 1999, I gave birth to my daughter Dana. As an older mother (I was 39 when she was born) my parenting experience differs a bit from that of most mothers. Dana and I live in southern California with two cats whose names are Sneakers (our grumpy old man at 15), and Lucy (a very sweet 3-year-old tortie). In addition to academic work I take photographs and write and spend time walking. I live with my daughter Dana, her significant other, Phoenix, and I am expecting my first grandchild this October.
walking, writing poetry, photography, nature, and animals of all kinds.
i am an artist, poet, writer, and academic.