Craig Mazur

Craig Mazur

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Make sure to use both summative and formative assessments.  Just like in planning, if a grading scheme is not working, it can and should be adjusted.  Be consistent in grading practices.  Be clear, consistent and fair on your policies, procedures dealing with turning in assignments and make-up work.   Be careful with extra credit.  Check the school’s policy, and make sure the extra credit is not excessive and does not take the place of required credit.

Always be flexible in your plans - have a plan B ready to go!  Planning enough in advance is key.  Part of the planning process should be a post evaluation so you know how to adjust the lesson in the future. 

I love the 10/20/30 rule for PowerPoint presentations.  It is important to evaluate the different media types that are most effective for your learning situations!

There are many teaching sytles and each has a different impact on learning.  Preparation and classroom management are key, as is knowing you class demographic and the resources available.    

I can think of several scenarios where the Question Formulation Technique can be useful.  We really need to be creative and prepared going forward with using technology in the classroom and preparing for at-home learning.  That was a great list of tools provided.  I love using project based learning.  Again, I’ve bookmarked several of the sources to help guide the process.  I need to study more about the simulated workplace and work based learning.    

“Failing to plan is planning to fail!”  This was a great reminder of the importance of careful planning.  I do want to explore more CTSO’s…I am somewhat familiar with DECA and BPA. 

I think it is important to understand the different ways of engaging students; especially using social media now during a time of quarantine.  I appreciated the review of the importance of formative assessments, as well as the Table of Specification example for summative assessment.    

I appreciate the clarification between goals, objectives and outcomes; and the outline of teaching and assessing appropriate workplace skills: accountability, interpersonal skills, self-direction/self-management, technology etiquette, and personal/ethical behavior (so important).  I'll pay more attention to the curriculum being aligned horizontally.

I wish I had a teacher like Mr. Reynolds!  What a great example.  Many of the points on safety seem common sense to us as adults (I hope), but need to be constantly reinforced to students.   

SO much in education is about positive and safe relationships.  THank you for the resources...I'm bookmarking many of them for future reference.  

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