Dick Jones

Dick Jones

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Reading is essential for continual learning and career readiness. Dedicated reading instruction occurs in the elementary grades, but there is little formal instruction at the secondary level. Subject teachers must be aware of student reading levels when assigning student work. Students with low reading comprehension often struggle in secondary subjects; this is particularly a challenge for CTE teachers. Teaching reading in the content area improves students’ reading proficiency, and CTE teachers must incorporate reading and vocabulary strategies into their instruction. Reading achievement data can help teachers determine when it is critical to use these strategies. In addition, teachers should use… >>>

These are great practical examples for CTE teachers ti include in their instruction to increase engagement and also reinforce academic skills. 

The Academic Integration committee is exploring ways to expand the integration of academic standards and instruction with Career and Technical instruction. Academic subjects of Math, Science, English, and Social Studies are separate subjects with separately certified teachers. CTE as well exists as separate subjects with unique teacher certifications. In state regulation, these are separate parts of secondary schools possessing their own curriculum. In practice, there is often instructional overlap. For example, as math teachers seek context for using geometry, they assign students technical problems or when Automotive teachers stress measuring with precision. Yet, states set graduation requirements based on earning… >>>

Looking for the ACTE information and resources  Integration of Academics?  It is often difficult to work through the menus to find this page devoted to Academic Integration.  This direct link will take you there.

Learn some ways to develop and use stories

We need to showcase the work of career oriented students more visible. 

We need to engage counselors in planning more career related activities 

How can the instructional practices in CTE programs help develop an overall school career-readiness culture?

As a leader, what new skills do you need to reshape school culture?

What are the characteristics of school culture (artifacts, conversations, or procedures) in your school that are counter to a career readiness culture?

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