Rebecca Galvan

Rebecca Galvan

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Each larger has their own set of unique learning skills, strengths and abilities along with weaknesses. Using a diverse approach to learning will enhance the learning experience. 

When making groups, aim for group diversity. Making groups more diverse will aid in growth among the entire group. Diversify the groups with overachievers, and people who are struggling a bit, shy, outgoing, age differences. This will help everyone involved. 

Episodic memory. When students are given examples that relate to their life experiences, memory retention is much greater. The students build a memory connection between the examples and episodes in their lives and can help them remember the content. Tell story, listen to stories, create the connection.

Testing is the way to test the information that was retained. The KSA can be found by using a number of methods. Testing to the objective is quick and easy whereas testing to the subjective is more complicated to grade but can test on application rather than recognition. 

Blooms Taxonomy shows how assessments on learning with aid in the advancement of learning. Active learning should be the goa using the application of knowledge and skills. 

When asking questions, it is also important to listen for what is left out and listen for the response of what is bringing them into the realization of an answer. Take notes to help as a reminder of what questions worked well with in a classroom to engage the student the most.  The learning chains links are learner, instructor, learner, checking for understanding. 


There are many things to take into consideration when preparing to teach a class. Remembering the EESP from Rita and Calvin Dunn will help tremendously when preparing to teach. keeping in mind the sensory methods of learning will also help to prepare and keep the interest of different types of learners. Using AWVK will also help the learner try a different style of learning that they may not have tried in the past but may prove to be beneficial in the future. 

Due to the fact that every individual learns in a different way, learning content should be delivered by using many methods. Have students question themselves to change their opinions or remain the same and to learn more about what motivates them to learn. Using different methods of teaching will ensure that the students will stay engaged in the subject matter and the class will not become stagnant. 

Introduction of the instructor to the students and the students to the instructor will add a feeling of comfort that will lead to appreaciation, expectation and the potential rewards that the student will leave with the first day in your class. 


The core concepts are the trunk and additional information is the branches. Use a checklist to ensure that you do not forget information and that all of the plans that are set forth in the syllabus are followed. 

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