I appreciate the information in Executive Functioning. I don't know that I've really thought about what it entails even though I use the term frequently. I like the idea of having students set their own goals (instead of the instructor) so that they can get more practice at it.
I think it is vital to consider various modalities for learners to express what they've learned. We have so many better options than pencil and paper yet so many teacher still rely on this format. I love that CTE easily lends itself to alternate assessment and hands-on activities.
This module has pointed out that all information presented needs to be accessible by everyone. Information. Needs to be represented in a various methods to meet everyone's individual needs.
I will be more diligent about providing transcripts for the videos I post! I've started posting the transcripts, but often get lazy or in a rush. I will be more intentional in the future.
People learn in a multitude of different ways and we need to play to their strengths. UDL is the guideline to make sure everyone can learn in our environment. It is a best practice for most things in life, not just teaching.
There are healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with stress.
Exercise, breathing, healthy sleep habits, and sharing a great ways to deal with stress.
Excessive alcohol or drug use are unhealthy and people should avoid these stress management techniques.
Stress varies. Some stressor are healthy, some are less healthy. You have to learn to manage your stress levels. There are many ways to help you manage your stress.
I plan to start using more TO DO lists and prioritizing those lists based on due dates and importance.
I heard that I should check email and do clerical tasks only once per day or at set times, but it is often easier to respond as emails come in. It might only take 45 seconds to reply immediately but 180 seconds if I wait until a later time to respond.
Also, my inbox feels overwhelming if I let it go for a whole day!
According to the information presented in this course, people are more efficient if the only check/respond to emails at set times, you should prepare adequately for lectures the first time to save you time in… >>>
I frequently make To Do lists for myself. I have never stopped to prioritize the items on the list. I think this will help me avoid the emergent situations that arise when I don't prioritize the correct things. I also like the idea of checking up on others by making a separate list for their responsibilities.
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