Sandra Byrnes

Sandra Byrnes

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I think setting office hours when you will be available is extremely important for the instructor. I know it is easy to get tied into constantly responding to the students.


Workload managment and organizational skills are extremely important. I really like the FAQ page I think that would really help students.


There are so many tools to help us guide students with all different types of disabilities.


What I learnd was the the Job Access With Speech (JAWS) screen reading (text-to-speech) software was developed for computer users with vision loss. 


I knew many of the requirements by the ADA however new to me was closed captions needed.



As I went through the course not one method works completely. I like the indirect vs direct very interesting points.


I always use Mnemonics in my class its amazing how the students are able to recall facts quickly.


I find reviews are excellent for the students and myself. I like to make sure everything is relevant for tests and so the students can apply it to work their environment in the near future.

I found it interesting how rhythmic and tonal patterns learning pathways can attribute to this intelligence. When I have my students study for DANB exam I sometimes sing and its amazing how they remember the facts.


With a bettter understanding lessons and activities can be created that will help the students to gain experience in using both concrete and abstract thinking.


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