Patricia Scales

Patricia Scales

About me

I've been a career educator for over 20 years. I currently serve as the Academic Coordinator for Brookstone College of Business and continue to be active in the classroom as a Business Instructor. My motto is "A student doesn't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." I was honored to receive the Career College Association National Teacher of the Year award in 2001. I just love teaching!


Hi D, Students like it when we give examples that pertain to the lesson. Patricia Scales
Hi Markita, You are on point! We need to make our students feel as though they really matter. Everyone likes feeling important. Patricia Scales
Hi Caroline, You can not let one student monopolize your time. Perhaps, offer to that student to come in early or stay late for one-on-one help. Patricia Scales
Hi James, Why would an institution relax its attendance requirements. We have strict attendance requirements, an our students know that we are not playing. Patricia Scales
Hi Charles, Students take learning seriously when they realize that they will be held accountable for knowing in a future course. Patricia Scales
Hi Kathleen, Students get it when they can see it. Patricia Scales
Hi Anthony, Students having a visual to go by adds better clarity, and the students really do take learning more seriously if it is indicated ont the whiteboard. Patricia Scales
Hi Joan, Even with lecture courses when you get an opportunity try to include hands-on activities. Patricia Scales
Hi Edward, I like giving my silent students leadership roles to help bring them out of their shell. Patricia Scales
Hi Daliann, Silent students really do come out of their shell more when they are in a smaller setting. Patricia Scales

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