Sherry Erney

Sherry Erney

Location: york campus

About me

My educational interests are centered around higher education in general.


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Over the years I have become a huge fan of engaged learning. I find that attendance improves when students aren't tied to a chair for lecture and retention of subject matter increases. I would suggest fine development of engaged teaching skills to all new instructors.
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Setting the stage on day 1 is essential for classroom success. Students must feel comfortable that you are the correct person to be in front of the classroom as the subject matter expert. By establishing your expectations and classroom policies on day 1 you are also setting your students up for success. Failure to establish, can result in a classroom environment that is not ideal for learning.
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I have found that when an instructor sets measurable objectives that clearly define the student learning, students tend to be more engaged in the learning process. I have used my objectives to show students who may be struggling that they have in fact learned new material as they are able to meet the daily objectives of the course. This is a great motivator for the struggling student.
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I have found that over the years of working in the Career Technical education sector, many of my students count on us to be their motivator. I find this to be one of the most essential tools for an instructor in this field. the lack of outside support to complete their program can often influence the student to give up when the going gets tough. By motivating our students, we have a better chance to help them succeed.

As an employee who has worked in the for-profit sector for the past 8 years, this was a great reminder and review of the imporatance of conducting ourselves with  the highest level of integrity.  we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that compliance is a signifcant part of our operations and if you have to question your actions, it is a good chance that your actions can and may have a negative impact on our students, future studnets and co-workers.

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In our industry, we must remember that we are held to a higher standard. Because we operate as a business in higher education, we must adhere to an ethical business practice. The key to ethical business practices is to remain compliant to the highest level of satisfaction. Compliance is a critical component of our day to da operations and should be treated as such with continual development in this area.
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When creating new testimonials we must keep in mind that we are not looking to falsify or mislead potential students. We want to ensure that all testimonials are accurate and are a true reflection of our mission.

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