Simina Vasilache

Simina Vasilache

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I encourage my students to take notes - preferably hand written notes since I am a firm believer in muscle memory. I remind them that taking notes is not dictation - they do not need to write my every word - they need to write what makes/does not make sense to them and in their own words. Sometimes I feel I'm fighting a loosing battle as many of my younger students are very reluctant to take notes.
I have to say I don't always do this but, when I start a class with a new group, I always ask them to introduce themselves to one another and tell us all a little something about themselves. I feel this creates a bond and can help them find shared interests.
I sometimes find it challenging sticking to a lesson plan. I've had several classes that I taught multiple times and sometimes a group of students catches on much faster than another. I focus on making sure the learning objectives are met at the end of the course but I have to admit I sometimes had to improvise with respect to the lesson plan.

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