Sonny Chang

Sonny ChangCHEP

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Since many of the career schools do not have entrance exam or any pre-test to measure students enrolled, it is critical to find out background level of the students. You get some general ideas during introduction by asking them the right questions. As an IT instructor, it is critical to know who is advanced students and who isn't since we have to manage the class and the flow of the classroom.
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If you are using same power point presentation over and over again, it will lose the effectiveness. Students need many variety of the media and must use it sparingly. Just like using music as maybe 15 to 30 percent, You must incoroporate other aspects of teaching. I enjoyed Harvard business school video where Professor Gavin talked about 15, 30 minute block to mix and match to get the feel of the class.
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The mission statements are excellent method of not only reminding what you need to do for that day or year, it allows what your focus should be. This applies to every aspect of life and if we only can spend time establishing mission statements to our lives, all of us will achieve greater things in life!

As an instructor for career school, I often wonder what is the best way to handle students who are indeed dire need of help? Missing assignemtns to missing exams due to unable to get a ride to school or can't afford to pay for public transportation ruins their grade and often fails out. Typically they are capable of handling the work load but due to unforseen circumstances, they are unable to follow guidelines of the school. Do you then allow to bend the rules for these special circumstances or stick by your gun since it is what future job demands… >>>

What is the best way to handle students who think that they know the subject material and is beyond the course? Some students do actually possess that knowledge and indeed is brillant, but the attitude they act towards other students that they are superior and even they like to show up the instructors creates some problems. Best way to handle these type of situation would be?
Can anyone tell me what is the best motivator for students who enroll in career schools? Many personal issues including money, family, and other unforseen circumstances hinder the growth of career school students and often blame their circumstances as a scapegoat.

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