Diane Aylor

Diane Aylor

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The most up to date information, especially for placement rates, is always best if updated annually, and your consumer placement report helps if it is in a single flyer format, directly from the website, but one the prospective student can take with them as well. I agree with the various correct answers in the scenarios. We all get these every day. Avoidance or skirting around the answer always leads to decrease in enrollments. the truth/facts are on our sites, so we should not be afraid to share them. If we are, we need to do an internal review and find… >>>

This session is important for all staff in an institution. Ethics are very important and when followed, by all staff, can produce an outstanding culture. One with Trust, Belief, Facts. Nothing is ever promised, and we shall not promise anything either. Hard Word does get better results.

I do know that some of the implications of misleading or withholding information from a student are severe, but this module really hit home with the importance of it all.

Exit Counseling ONLINE is only ONE Step. It is important to sit with our students, help make sure the have as full of an understanding as possible and all the resources needed moving forward. I also have been making sure our students have either the servicer Mobile APP or Direct URL Link to their personal servicer on their cell phones during their exit/graduation interviews.

Exit Counseling is Equally Important to Entrance Counseling. A lot of hte information is repetitive and thus successfully providing the same information to the student is vital to them actually owning the information.

Knowledge is Power. We are all one unit. If we can build a relationship with the student, and empower them to own the information, we can build trust. Trust builds better marketing for future refererrals and retention.

Students need to be put at ease, this is an easier process for us because we are familiar with it. This is a New Process for the student, and the more we recap what we have explained, the better they gather the understanding.

The repetitive visual of posters and pamphlets in offices and classrooms other than Financial Aid office lets the student know the institution is consistent with their standards. Let the Financial Aid process be educating for the student and less intimidating


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