Thanya Miranda

Thanya Miranda

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Its a good idea to get students thoughts and suggestions on the topic or course, because it helps keep them motivated and shows the instructor what things can be improved or worked on to help students 

Being consistent with the framework of assignments so that are used to it, rather than relearning new ways or having to follow a new plan and routine. Making sure that all modules are the same length and take the same amount if time.

In this section, it spoke more about managing your classes and each student individually. Set out email reminders about assignments or office hours. Get to know your students that don't participate as much so you may give them options to participate or socialize.

Create groups to have students interact with you and each other. Be responsive and responsible with your replies. Give them a chance to give you feedback on the class or your teaching.

Establish a good relationship with your students and with each other. make a discussion/biography about yourselves and have the students create one so they get to know you and other students behind the screen.

This part showed me that there's a lot more to teaching online than just sitting/standing there instructing. There's an immense amount of communication and more structure and discipline needed on both ends of the screen.

For students with TBI/PTSD, it is a long and continuous road of learning. Knowing when to ask for help when needed, and the instructor being prepared with the information will make for the student's success

I learned more information about people with disabilities and how to help them. IEPs are fairly new to me, but it was great information to have just in case. This will truly benefit the students and their success.

This section continues to inform of the differences of TBI and PTSD. I didn't know about the difficulties each comes with.

This helped with my understandings of different types of PTSD there are out there. I'm glad it is always being updated, so it helps us be more aware if and when it is present. It can make such a huge impact on someone's life when it is treated or sought out.

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