Michael Tillman

Michael Tillman

About me


Multicultural Environments create more diversity in the workplace to allow for different ideas and perspective to become part of culture and growth of a company. Best solutions will be made by a team when problems are looked at from an open mindset.

Carreer Management Skills CMS are Life Long Learning and reuire good self awareness to determine the next step. To me commitment is key to working with and developing within an organization and building outside networks.

Students need to know, good work ethic goes along way in reflecting your values and character towards your work. Professionalism and Work Ethic is what employers need to keep synergy in the workplace and reduces conflict. Treat others how you like to be treated resepectfully.

The work force needs leadership and important to emphasize to Students that their leadership no mattater their role in the workplace will help them professionally. Consitantly knowing where an organization is going, how they plan to get there, and what part do you play is a good start to becomming an effective leader.

IT Skills are required in business today. Both Hard Skills: Automotive Tehcnology, Cloud Computing, computer programming Data Base Managment, Hardware, Manufacturing Technologies, Scientific Computing, Social Media for Business use and Marketing, Software Word processing, Spreadsheets, Technical Writing, and Video Production integrated with Soft Skills: Adaptablility, Collaboration, Creativity, Emotional Intellegence, Persuasion, and Time Managment when combined produce a Hybrid Employee that Business are looking for and in High demand. Students need to be aware of the possibilities with each skill they develop and improve.

Team Development Stages are interesting reflecting on past Team Participation and the different stages.

  • Forming - the beginning stages sets roles for members
  • Storming - works out the details for likes and differences among the group.
  • Norming - implements the project and start to perform as a group.
  • Performing - Temwork is performing work at a successful level.
  • Adjourning - Work is complete and accompliments are known to group.

Teams can accomplish more than one can as an individual.

Critical Thnking and Problem Solving come from experience. Interactive instruction to build skills requires activities to make students process through Six Steps known as "Ideals" 

  1. Identify
  2. Define
  3. Enumerate
  4. Analyze
  5. List
  6. Self Correct

Planning Lessons using interactive activities that use the "Ideals" process help students gain experience in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. The last step Self Correct is the most important to reflect on the full porcess.

Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Course Revisions

Instructors need to seek Professional Development and can be both formal or informal. This improves skills, manges workload, and improves instruction to enhance the learning process.

(ADDIE) Analysis, Design, Developement, Implementaiton, and Evaluation can be used for Course Revision which best derived from a variety of aduinces, Student, Peers, and Aministrators.

Key Elements or Objects should be Dynamic Elements to keep information relevent to providing students learning needs. Formative Revision is dynamic and communicates to students when to Start, Stop, or Continue doing in their learning process.

Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Communicating and Collaborating

Instructing in an Online LMS requires understanding the social meda communication tools available for instructors to be effective, allows for social presence, and gives the instructor the tools to give positive constructive feedback in a timely manner.

In Collaboration clear Boundries need to be set to clearly communicate established communication for content and feedback expecations. Word Templates allow for structure feedback that is constistant and reduces Student and Teacher WLM. 


Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Teaching Online

LMSs differ and the ADDIE (Access -Design-Develop-Implement- Evaluate is the simpilest form. Complexities in Online learning come from no F2F contact and can be asychronous causing communication to break down from Instructor to Student, Student to Instructor, and Student to Student. Focus needs to be maintained to keep Students and Istructor motivated keeping Visibilty/ Social Pressance is key and leadership is shown by being engaged and consistant setting good examples and sticking to time lines with good feedback.

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