tom hoshour

tom hoshour

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You know we need some thoughts about basics.

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I have found that if student do a quick review after the lecture they retain about twice as much.
Students could benefite greatly from a lecture on note taking. Outline skills and abbreviations are valuable. Too many students are lazy when it comes to using the pen or pencile.This is not good.
I frequently outline each lecture on my marker board. This way I keep focused and the stucents know as well!!
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I believe one area men have to be careful of is bonding about sports in the classroom. This can go over the line in student teacher relations.
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I believe an instructor could benefite from student suggestions as to how they could improve their skills.
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It may be valuable for students to log a 3x5 card for each lecturing which contains nuggets of learning from each lecture and share these nuggets with the class mid term
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I believe that each student should write down three career goals and share these goals with the class. The feed back could be valuable.
I believe informal introductions during the first class can help with student fears. At this time career goals and family information can be shared.

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