About me
About me
Edupreneurial was a new term for me but I love that. It is easy to forget this. The more we treat the customer with care and compassion while holding them accountable, the more successful the student will be. Better retention = profit to company.
If you are only monitoring and mentoring, you are missing what’s most important…monitoring. This is where self efficacy lies. If we fall short here, we lose students.
When I started teaching, I was told “remember that you always know more than they do”. I think that when we first start teaching, we feel like we should be able to answer every question. But the fact is, we continue to learn as we go if we are striving to be the best instructor we can be. That means that we must know how to present ourselves professionally at all times and know how to handle classroom management. If the class is unruly your outcomes may be only partially effective.
Great ideas! Many of them I already use, but some new ones are always helpful. Today’s learner can be challenging and the way you manage them can make the classroom effective or not.
The techniques for challenging students was helpful. I have all of those students in my class and appreciate the ways to handle.
It is always good to have an ice breaker. I like the paper airplane idea. It is always good to have methods to introduce new concepts in a unique way. It keeps the students engaged about what is coming next.
I had not realized that asking “Any questions? Or Do you understand?” Is not a question as students may not know what to ask or if at end of class they are not going to answer for fear of class going late. They also may feel intimidated thinking other students understand when they do not. This section has allowed me the knowledge to further develop my questioning techniques in order to enhance student learning.
I learned that allowing students to identify how they will be graded increases their likelihood of self motivation. I will implement this whee able.
I always appreciate new ideas for classroom interaction. I find it difficult to do activities due to the volume of information and the difficulty for students if I don’t cover most everything. It was good to be validated that using questioning techniques throughout lecture is an activity that helps with retention. I have had classroom observations in the past that do not acknowledge this.
Slideshare offers a forum to share presentations. Found one on teaching with technology that I intend to work with to try to get more technology in my class.
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