Tianda Gay

Tianda Gay

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Definite need to evaluate the course for revisions, which in just about all cases there will be revisions. Use multiple valid sources and data and not just what you the instructor feels needs to be improved or revised. It's about all stakeholders. Get their input. 


This module is full of good reminders. Such as remember the purpose of assessments and the types of, remember we are moving students from low level to high level based on Bloom's taxonomy, remember the rubric, and remember we are here to give meaningful constuctive feedback to improve lerning. 


Must admit, I have been guilty of posting a "flat" syllabus, only to find out that yes, you have to modify making it more detailed and interactive. I also realized in the classroom years ago, don't be afraid to get what you give. In other words, we as teachers give students feedback on a daily basis. Hopefully constructive. Can't be afraid to ask students for their feedback on the course. Receive their feedback and make adjustments to better the learning environment. 


When developing a course module know that it has to make sense to the student. Allow for constructive criticism from someone who is not familiar with my module to more or less "play around." Take their feedback serious.  

An effective teacher must possess and implement tradtional on site classroom management and for the E-learning environment as well. Whether traditional classroom or E-learn, there will be conflicts. Module provides "how to" when issues, behavior problems, attrition arise. Good note of advise from this module is to document all email and private chat with students. 

What a simple, clearly understood explanation and examples for Synchronous vs. Asynchronous.

Synchronous should not be used to teach critical content. Nor should it be used to evaluate a student's knowledge of the course content.

Synchronous (example Chat room) is for small groups up to 5 or 6. Keep session at a maximum of 30 minutes. Great when one-on-one with a student. Must consider time zones and give students what information is needed in advance so they can prepare. Whereas with Asynchronous (exaple a discusssion post/board) instructor has to facilatate in  such a way as to monitor discussion, structure interaction,… >>>

Reply to Lianna Dasilva's post:Yes, Lianna. It does indeed. They see you as a "real" person and "not as a robot." It "humanizes" the course and I find decreases student anxieties. 

Just like in a face-to-face classroom setting, the teachers presence is vital. From the beginning I need to establish an atmosphere of trust, harmony, understanding, integrity, and respect.  Starting the course with a brief biography of myself, to include a professional head shot and a few tidbits such as hobbies is a way to develop a relationship with the students. Students are encouraged as well, to post a biography. Several ways I have my presence known is through communication tools such as email, REMIND app, posting office hours, overseeing projects, providing constructive timely feedback, leading and monitoring (facilitating). You want… >>>

CMS: Course Management System is online educational/learning/teaching platform. The course structure includes modules and lessons. To be effective, teacher has to know more than their course content. They must know the goals of e-learning, course delivery strategies and techniques, and how to deliver instruction/content online. As a teacher I must understand that my students will get (easily) frustrated. Which is something I encounter often in my Google Classroom and Canvas. The is the need for both learning and technical support as these often alleviate many student frustrations. Another issue I often encounter is there will be a few who simply… >>>

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