Warren Washington

Warren Washington

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Is there any situation where the syllabus may be too long for good classroom learning?

Having taught Online courses for several years I have found in each year of teaching one critically important item is a well developed syllabus for the course.

In this module more clarification on the concept of "scaffolding" was insightful.Poor scaffolding can create poor learning.

Students that are constantly working behind are soon to become casualities of poor performance. The instructor should constantly monitor the class and identify these students. Once identified constant and persistent communication reminders are important.

It is clear to me that course consistency is very important to have a good learning experience for the student and the instructor.

There was a lot of very good information that I would like to share.

1. Developing a very good course framework does help the students in the learning process

2. Al course modules should have the same look for course continuity

I would like to share a situation I had in my last four online classes. I constantly communicated with students and sent reminders each week.

I was suprized that 80% of the students in each class sent me personal emails thanking me for the constant email remindres.

Reply to Tina Beale's post:

You are right on target Tina in that constant and effectice and consistent communication is very important in any Online class.

This module 4 was very interesting with very good tips and information. I learned and did previously believe that the Online instructor plays a very important role in student learning. Instructors should do all they can in attrition management of the course. However, alll does not include reducing course quality and intregrity

Discussion Comment

I always use a rubric for all and each one of my Online classes. The rubric I believe is very important for the following reasons:

1. Keeps students aware of class assignment requirements.

2. The fewer conserns and questions from the students the better the learning process

3. The rubric provides clarity in the points and grading process.

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