Please give examples of ways you have incorporated active learning into your curriculum?
Hi Tim,
I love this practice with teaching. I best learn this way, and I teach this way as well. I am very effective with my way of teaching, simply because I reach every type of learning style.
Patricia Scales
I personally like to teach on how I like to be taught. I am that type of person that needs to not only see it, but hear it and perform it. I will perform a lecture that involves all of the above to enhance what I have stated and they can leave the class session not only hearing what we had discussed, but also seeing it and practicing it.
Hi Charles,
Students love the mini-teaching lessons that they do. Some students are real good instructors.
Patricia Scales
I also have used this method, having the student teach a part of the chapter. I have used this in e-business classes and microsoft office classes. The students seem to enjoy it and learn more than they realize.
Ed Wesselman
Hi Caroline,
Students tend to really enjoy role playing and group work. Active learning is very effective.
Patricia Scales
As an ESL/English Instructor I have used group brainstorming to help students generate ideas to develop essays and discussions. This develops their interest as it proves that each person can make important contributions to the class.
I have also included role play which develops conversational skills as well as individual and group presentations. From my experience most students are motivated to learn and actively participate in these activities.
Hi Sarah,
I like how you make each student play all parts. The students must understand the entire realm of things.
Patricia Scales
Hi John--
I love doing group projects and presentations. Many times I have the students do the reading for class as prep-work, then group some students together to "teach" the chapter. I add in elements as needed, however, the students really enjoy getting to role play as the instructor for the material.
I also use role-playing in my Fitness Trainer classes. One student is the "client" and the other is the fitness trainer. They each get to play both parts, so it is a fun way for the students to grasp the concepts we are learning in class.
Hi John,
There are several ways to incorporate active learning. You can have student do hands-on activities, case studies, scenarios, role playing, etc.
Patricia Scales