What are some of the ways you use to make sure you have the right learning enviroment?
Hi Liz,
There are several ways you can make sure you have the right learning environment. First, look at the physcial setting of the classroom/lab. What does it look like? What message does the setting send? Is it clean, organized,and attractive?
Second, have you as an instructor organized your first day in such a way that you demonstrate confidence in yourself and your subject matter area? Are you clear about your expectations? Are you presenting yourself as a caring dedicated professional?
Do you have first day activities that help form the class into a learning community? Are your icebreakers and introductions appropriate for your student population?
By answering these questions in a positive manner you will able to create a positive learning environment.
I try to have a hands on demonstration of one of the skills the students will need to learn. This breaks up the lecture and helps them to appreciate the skills necessary in the field.
Hi Donald,
You are on the right track to keep your students focused. It is best to lecture for about 10 to 15 minutes and then have some sort of activity. This has the students refocus their attention and allows them to process the information you have been giving them.
I walk around the classroom to observe things such as seating comfort, space, lighting, ease of sight of the board, correct placement of the overhead machine, etc. I always test out my materials to make sure they are user friendly. For example, I check the overhead transparencies for placment for viewing. I check to be sure I have all my materials in easy reach so that the teaching flows in a timely fashion. I also think about the temperature of the room. Of course, I may not be able to change some of these elements, but I want to maximize learning, so I try to make sure the student as comfortable as possible. I sometimes supply a highlighter to students on the first day to emphasize the importance of coming to class prepared. I need to be prepared each day too.
Another way that I ensure the right learning environment is to know my students well. I try to give a test to learn each student's learning style. I think of the learning styles as I plan lessons to try to incorporate activities, group work, independent work projects, etc. that provide for each of the learning styles.
I look over all materials the day before I teach the material to be sure I have everything in place for the next day. It is more work in preparation, but the payoff is to see how smoothly the lesson goes, and how much the students enjoy the lesson and learn.
I like to give the students a hands on demonstration of everything that I have lectured about . Students who have problems achieving results from the past demonstration get individualized demonstration and I watch them to find the problem and correct it.
Hi Carol,
You are doing an excellent job of setting the stage for your students. By putting yourself in the role of students you can see what they see and how they will react to the physically environment as well as the learning environment.
Also, by understanding the limitations of your classroom/lab you can create a plan to work around these obstacles and continue with the instructional process. Keep checking and being aware of what is going on around you and you will meet much success in your area.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for sharing those comments about how you prepare for class. Yes, advanced preparation is a lot of work, but the pay off is sure worth it. As many of us teach for long blocks of time, we must be prepared. “Winging†a 15 minute mini-lecture is one thing, but teaching a 6 hour block without adequate preparation is another.
Matching student learning styles with delivery is a key component of successful teaching. Not only will the students be more engaged, but you will enjoy more success as an instructor.
Hi Shannon,
By using the lecture application process you are appealing to the different learning styles of your students. By having different delivery modes for your students you are enabling them to use different methods of coding and storing new information. Once they have coded and stored the information they must have a methods for retrieving it. Though application you are helping them to do this.
One of the ways that I ensure that I have a conducive learning environment is VERY simple. I LEARN THE STUDENTS'NAMES as soon as possible, and I use their names as soon as possible..
I have found that this makes for a very relaxed and trusting atmosphere.
Hi Kathleen,
Isn't it amazing how something as simple as knowing and using a student's name can make all the difference in the world in terms of keeping a student engaged in the class? We all need to work hard at this because it will make our teaching easier.
Dear Elizabeth,
I try to make my room visually appealing by using posters, bulletin boards, and seasonal decorations to brighten an otherwise ho-hum classroom. Not only does it affect my students, but since I teach in the same room all day, it's a pick-me-up for me as well.
Learning the student's name and pronouncing the name the correct way is a great way to start your class. I also go around the room and find out where they are from. It is a great ice breaker and starts communication between the students. When students find out someone is from their home town or state and it makes them feel more comfortable in your class room.
On their first day, I will be by the door to greet them in and assign their seat. Just a couple nice words to make them feel welcome and let them know I am here to help with anything they might need.
Hi Gilbert,
Those welcoming words are so powerful when students first enter the class. It really helps them to get settled down into the class.