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First day of class

I think it is very important that the instructor is prepared for the class to start. The instructor should have done a preliminary walk through and gotten all material prepared for start of class.

Yes, this is the most critical time. From the moment the student enters the classroom, the student is in an analytical and apprehensive state. They want to know what type of teacher you are. Are you current in your field? What is your teaching style? How will they learn and what is expected? This information and an icebreaker is a good start.

I believe in first impressions are lasting.The first day usually set the tone for the class. I go over the syllabus,the chain of command,attendance,dress code, and my expectations.I use an icebreaker called human bingo where they have to interact with each other. I also give a quiz on the first day to disperse the rumor that nothing is done on the first day. Students dislike receiving zeros.

i agree, on this day i also set the tone rules and regulations and expectations. what type of quiz are you giving? information needs time to be digested.

I've done this and find that it was very beneficial.

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