When students walk into your class on the first day whether they are younger or older, they are nervous and have no idea what to expect. As the instructor it is your job to make them feel like your classroom is a safe environment for them to learn and they should feel comfortable enough to ask questions and be themselves as it will help them relax more
@knp3036 I always give them my introduction I tell them my experience in my profession, I inform my students that I like to have fun while we learn. I go over polices and exspectations and finally I share with them that I know how fill because I was a student 20 years ago at the same school and I made my full circle. then i have them go around the room with there introductions.
I like to ask them to share a little when we first meet. It almost acts as a pre-test in some way; helps me guage their experience and cooking ability.
I try to tell them a little about my professional experience and go around the class and have the students tell me what they are expecting to get out of the class. I also joke around with them and let them know that I DO KNOW the attendance policies (I am an adjunct professor) so they don't try to get one over on me. I sets a tone.
This is a good point. I always try to find something in common with my students in order to break the ice. Maybe we both have children, maybe we both like sports.