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For English Composition classes- use of peer editing

To make students engaged in writing activities, peer editing is a good practice. When a student finds errors in his/her classmate's paper and offers suggestions for correcting the errors and improving the paper, he/she (the editor) sharpens his/her own skills and at the same time, helps his/her classmate improve his/her essay. Both writer and editor can derive a lot of benefits in peer editing.

This is a good way to also promote interaction between students. They get to work with another individuals so they are given the opportunity to develop their human relation skills as well.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have seen this in many grade levels, including elementary. Students get excited when they can be helpers. It sharpens their focus, they retain what they give out to others.

This technique also allows the instructor to evaluate learning of both the author and the editor.

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