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The Instructor's Learning Style

How does the learning style of the instructor influence their teaching style? I wonder if the learning style of the instructor is Visual, is it harder for them to teach in an auditory method? I am a visual person but I tend to lecture more to my students.

I tend to learn better from a hands on approach
this makes it easier for me to instruct because we are 90% lab in the areas I teach. It could be that we favor the way we learn in the way we teach John

I like this thought. Can an instructors personal learning style interfere with his or her ability to effectively relay the needed information? I believe so. Now the next questions is how is this discovered and fixed?

I agree with you. Constantly keeping up with teaching methods and ideas is crucial to yourself as an instructor as well as the students.

Being flexible as well as getting to know your students initially, is key to figuring out which teaching style is right for you. I would use different learning styles to mix it up, keep it interesting.

I think instructors are more comfortable teaching in the style in which they learn. However, through student feedback in the different courses that I have learned, I have been able to modify my teaching style to include more of the other forms of learning.

It may take a little getting used to and practice to be able to apply these new teaching methods, but in the end it not only makes it interesting for the student, but keeps it fresh for us as instructors who sometimes tend to teach the same subject matter time after time.

Me too

I tend to be more hands on but have a tendancey to be long winded when lecturing. It has helped me see the different styles in a new light

I agree, the more flexible you can teach the more you'll connect with all the students

Adapting your teaching style to the learning styles of your students is a skill that must be learned and continuously practiced and improved.

I have been told an instructor teaches in the learning style they are familiar with. You comment is the first one I have ever heard about to contradict that statement. Interesting

Do you also include technology in your lessons? We find adding video especially good, particularly for our youger students who have grown up glued to computer and television screens.

It's great you have identified your style and how that effects what you do in the classroom. after many years I was able to adapt my style (kenistetic) to reach my students, training through a lecture can be a strugle and by adding other components to include demonstrations I am able to accomodate the different styles to some degree

We do naturally look for our stdunts to respond to our teaching in a way that mirrors our own learning style so you are correct it can be frustrating. It is eye-opening though when you start to hit all the styles on a regular basis- the classroom comes alive.

I think the learning style is very much tied into the teaching style. I myself find it very frustrating when students just sit and listen and don't bother taking notes. I am aware now after taking the continuing education course, the many different learning modalities each person has. It is up to us,the educator, to try to adjust and not get stuck in a rut. This may be difficult at first, but will only be beneficial in the end.

Flexible teaching style, can help student learn more effective.

Hi Denise- You are right - I know from years of experience that varying your teaching style will produce great results. Of course, in the beginning that means a lot more work for you, but once you develop lesson plans that will touch all learning styles, you have your "toolbox". Here's a pretty cool website that has bunches of ideas for kinestheic learners in Math classes (the class many of my students find intimidating!)The ideas can be adapted to lots of other disciplines.

Just copy and paste into your browser.

I tend to lecture also just to make sure I cover all the information and after going thru this lesson I realize I need to include all types of learning styles. I believe I am a tactile learner. I do break the class into groups after I am finished lecturing and give an assignment that the class will work on. However I am often dissappointed when they all do not get it. I am missing half the class! So having more visual aids as well as more interaction with the students participation may change that for the class as well as myself.

Hi Donna-Why do you think your instuction is mostly lecture? Have you tried adding visual cues to your materials?

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