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Cook along vs cooking demo

I have found that most of the time, but not always that the students understand,retain and enjoy the daily production using the cook along method as opposed to a sraight demonstration. In a cook along the students all start at the same time and finish at the same time. no one is left behind and no one gets ahead. because I try to explain things in great detail and at a pace that the majority can follow. More often that not all but perhaps a few are always on pace and it is very easy to get anyone lagging caught up. The students also feel more confident in their finished product because they mimick the way my product looks,tastes, feels, etc. in real time.

Hi Josh - I think that many learners retain the steps to a skill based task if they have been able to practice it rather than just watchinga demo. Best wishes - Susan

I think that is a great idea. The students can follow every step with you. I will have to try that.

What an impressive and practical approach. We start a new term next week and I will no doubt incorporate youR "cook along" technique. I am sure I will follow this reply with yet another with stunning results. THANK YOU.

I often lecture in PowerPoint, but only use it as an outline. Much of the "how to" or "did you know" information is presented during the lecture. Then I will demonstrate the information for the students, and then have the students perform the skill.


Cook along is a great method that is used in a number of our kitchen production classes. Students do learn better and quickly recognize when they are following the correct procedures by looking around.

Hi Terrance- The "cook-along" idea seems perfect for your kinesthetic students ( I suppose that most of our students are that style). Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career! Susan

Well put Josh, not only is this good for the kinestheic learner bit for those who prefer visial aids as well. good combination of the two.

I personally combine both. One day I will demo all of the items we are going to be cooking the next day. The following day I will cook along side of the students. It seems to solidify the correct procedurre that I am trying to teach.

Hi James - Thanks for your post to the forum. Your teaching method is excellent! Your students see your demo and then you are available to guide them through their own production. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

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