What is the best way to keep a students attention when changing to another type of teaching technique? Especially if leaving the student’s preferred type learning?
Hi Arthur - Welcome to ED 103! The trick is to try not to focus on any one style completely. If you are lecturing punctuate the lecture with drawing on the board or by using a powerpoint. Pass around a visual as you lecture, and be sure to move around! Best wishes- Susan
I had an instructor who use to have the class stand up half way through every night's lecture. He would have us all get up and reach up high to the sky for about 1 minute then move our bodies around in a circle then return to our seat. We all enjoyed this and we got refocused on his lecture.
By introducing the new method and topic with full description and ensure all students understand the new method.
I try and have interactive power points, I try to keep moving around the classroom and use questions too keep students engaged
When introducing new topic's I use a power point, pass out handouts and go through the material page by page asking for input and understanding from the students. This insures me that they are paying attention and getting the material needed for the course.
Get each student involved. Perhaps assign a specific task that must be completed within a specified time to be shared with the group before the end of the session.
You can mix up styles if you can time things so you don't dwell on one style too long and make it interesting to keep the students attention.