Kinesthetic learners
I find I enjoy teaching kinesthetic learners. I am one as well so it was quite challenging for me to find creative ways to connect to auditory and visual learners. My classroom was always very interactive. Did anyone have this issue as well, initially, as an instructor?
Hi Letrice, Interesting question! I am a visual learner and teach many students who are kinesthetic so I am always challenged to find activities that will work well for them. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
Susan Polick
I do games (i.e., jeopardy) alot. This tends to keep all learners enthused and participating in class.
Our courses at this organization are short, sometimes five-day courses. The proverbial 10 lbs of stuff in a 5 lb bag, so we pick and choose the learning styles for a couple of reasons. We use the kinesthetic lessons during the middle of the course to reinforce information up to that point, serving a a review before going on to new information. We try to mix it up, incorporating videos to illustrate information covered. We also supply the students with references used to develop the lessons to appease the written word learners. The references and urls are also there as 'reachback' as a refresher later on.
Hi Anthony, Thanks for your post to the forum. You definitely have some challenges with such short programs in terms of teaching to the learning styles. However, from what you describe, you are doing a good job of mixing up your delivery. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
Susan Polick
In one of my classes, the students have to learn different electrical formulas. I put three or four students at the dry-erase board and the one that correctly writes the formula in which I call, gets a peppermint ball. The students love this excercise! Keep in mind, this only works toward the end of the course once the students are comfortable with each other.
Hi Timothy, Great idea -especially if they all like peppermint! (:
Susan Polick
Thank you for the idea. Do you have other game ideas that might be of benefit for this type of learning style? I teach subjects which require learning many new terms and associations.