we generaly have 3 test through the three week course and I feel that this gives both the student and me a way to gauge whether the students are understanding what is being instructed or if I need to change how i am giving them the information because they are or are not understanding!
We also give three quizzes in three weeks and i agree with you steve that it does help in gauging the process of the students. Discussion is also added at the end of each test to help students better understand things they may not have completely understood.
Our set-up is pretty unique. We are mostly lab based education and our students work from printed modules. These modules are their guidelines for their learning and have sign-off stopping points for instructor review. At this point, we can reveiw with each group and answer any questions about what they have performed and learned to make sure they are on track. If not, we can reveiw the material with the group or call a demo for the entire class to clarify the material. It allows the instructor to keep a continuous assesment of each student prior to final testing.
we to have 3 test but we call them parties instead of tests it is less threatening to the students and has a better response.
I sometimes give 3 tests in 3 weeks, and in some courses we only have one test for the three weeks.The three test system seems to work better, because if nothing else, it is a good review of that weeks lessons.
I also think that the testing process is a good way to guage the student progress.i found that if some students are having propblems with testing that if i observe them and ask them questions that they will work out the problem buy themselves. and it seems to help them retain what we are covering
We also have a few test in a short time frame. I like to give the stdents a review that they need to research the information to help them retain the knowledge that they will see on the test.