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As a massage therapy instructor, in some classes I give a pre-test. This will show what they have retained and what they need more work on. I love this method because it helps me, as well as the student, in determinig what my main focus should be on.

Hi Angela, That's an excellent practice. It gives them personal feedback at regular intervals so that they can self-correct if required.

Susan Polick

Hi Sara, Pre-tests serve as a road map to show us the direction we need to take with the class.

Susan Polick

It should help them develop a goal or objective they would like to reach throughout their education.

Hi Eugene, Thanks for your post to the forum. It's especially valuable to have students articulate their goals at the start of their program and then review those goals when they have finished. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

Because self-assessments give a snapshot of where a student is at that moment, they're very effective in creating a self awareness that the student can then use to better make decisions for their education

I feel self assessments are great for students because they can look within themselves and see just how far they really have come!

Hi Forrest, Yes, the self assessments tell students wher "they" are not where "we" have put them!

Susan Polick

They help the student understand how they learn. Most of my students have been away from formal classrooms,thus they need to develop their study habits all over again. They need to know how to take notes, if further reading is required for them to learn, etc. It is challenging when they first start and self-assessments give them positive feedback.

Hi Donna, 30 years ago, I returned to college as an adult student. I remember how challenging it was!

Susan Polick

In areas where skills are developed and trial and error are expected, self-assessment creates a scenario where the student is made to analyze their own performance against the needed outcome. The skills development can only occur when the student understands where they went wrong and how to correct it.

Hi David, That is a great summary of the value of self assessment!

Susan Polick

Adult learners are very goal oriented. They need to see their progress in the class and self evaluations are very helpful for them to keep their outcomes in site. They reach their goals better if they can see how they are coming along in their class.

Self assessment tools are ideal for getting an understanding and evaluation of ideas and information you already know. This allows you to concentrate on learning the new information. It also gives you confidence in what you have already mastered.

They can help students evaluate their standing in regards to the overall program and either see the progress they've made or understand other areas they need to improve.

It allows the student to get involved in their education. rather then them just showing up and getting by. They will have more participation in how they take their classes

I personally feel that this is the time for the students to self-assess themselves, especially in the college setting. A new career life choice.

It helps the student to visualize where they are going and the amount of potential they have to successfully succeed.

After taking this course, I am starting to see the importance of self-assessments. However, I have have never done this. In order for me to get an understanding of what the students retain, I give pop quizes and play games such as jeopordy. But now I see that is not enough. I would really like to improve in this area. How can I improve as an instructor and how do I go about giving self-assessments? I look forward to any feedback I may get. Thank you.

Hi Noah, Thanks for your post to the forum. Here is a good resource on self assessment.

Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

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