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The student self assessments can give the students the confidence they need to keep studying for the class. It can also motivate those who have not been working as hard as others. We might go over these in class and the ones that are lagging behind sometimes realize that their piers are learning more than they are and they are more motivated to catch up.

Student self assessments can be used effectively by the students taking the knowledge they have learned in the classroom and applying it in a real world situation. By the student understanding that they will use the knowledge in their future place of employment, they are more willing to learn the concept and retain the information.

HI Jennifer - Thanks for your post to the forum. I agree, students want to know why what they are learning is important. We need to show them how it is relevant to what they will be doing in their careers. Best wishes- Susan

Quick self-assessments help students reflect on their learning.

I have two self-assessment exercises. Part of their critique of visual material I ask each student to explain the project, and put it in the context of the teaching point I have included in the project assignment.

HI Steve- Thanks for your post to the forum. I am assuming that the students are asked to relate their own projects to the teaching points? It sounds like that is the same thing as using a rubric - am I correct? Best wishes- Susan

I believe that it makes the student aware of where they are within the course even if they will not admit it to anyone.

I only have my students self-evaluate one project towards the end of my class. By this point, they have a good handle on what is wrong and what is right. They often grade themselves harder than I would. I think this helps to get students to realize what they need to improve upon without having to have someone else tell them.

Self assessments help student understand more about themselves. The information gatered helps the to make an informed decision in their carrer choices.

Hi Earl- Thanks for your post to the forum. Having your students self-evaluate at the end of their program is a great transition to what they will encounter in the workplace.Best wishes for coniniued success in your teaching career. Susan

I believe self assessments allow students to identify their strength and weakness. Often times, instructors are very focused on the "problem areas" that they forget to praise students and encourage them with their "positive" achievements.

It provides the student with a format to really assess what it is they have learned and what they still don't understand.

I find the student assessments very helpful in determining what I can do to get the information I need to accross in a better format.

You get a chance to learn exactly where your students are and if your curriculum is on target. Also lets you know if your teaching styles are working.

I think self assessment helps the students feel accountable for the knowledge and skills they are learning. A discussion can begin about what techniques they used to succeed in the areas they are strong in and what they need to do in the areas they are weak in.

Susan; To me self-assessment sounds like a combination of material coverage and post-study testing; i.e., the student finds out how much he/she has learned, by their own volition, about the subject matter. I like this method in one very key way. Students can actually benefit from a self-study/self-assessment sequence that fits their schedule, ability, and interests. Students are ultimately teaching themselves, but more so in self-assessment opportunities....Mark

HI Mark - Thanks for your post to the forum. Yes, self-assessment forces students to play a more active role in their learning. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

I have seen instructors evaluate how they are delivering the course criteria based on the tests and quizes. The instructors will keep track of the questions missed and how many missed the questions to see if it was a individual or a majority of the class to determine if they need to spend more time on the material or find a new way to deliver it.

Hi Robert- Thanks for your post to the forum. I agree that it is essential to review assessments to determine whether they need to be revised. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

It helps the students in developing their communication skills. That way they can get along with their peers, instructor and prepare for career success.

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