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checking and rechecking

I often go to the work station and watch what the student is preparing and whne it's good .i make a big positive deal about the success.When they need help i offer it in a way where it's sincere.This is a great way to show the student I care they do well.

Hi Scott - Thanks for your post to the forum. Students do appreciate affirmation that they are doing well! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

I do something very similar and try to write hand written notes on papers or summaries when I feel the student has a clear understanding of the material and really used their own words and thought process to summarize or apply the information. They are able to read the hand written notes and know that not only did I take the time to read what they wrote and how they thought but it gives them each individual feedback

Hi Sarah - It is wonderful that you are giving such great personal feedback to each student! Great work!! Susan

I agree personal feedback is so key to the students. Not only does it help with their learning, but I think it helps open up dialogue between you and the student. It might help encourage them to participate in class more also.

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