Using CATS
I incorporate this by asking the students a question at the beginning of the class. If I want to be different, I will have the students write down 1-3 questions from the notes with the answer and then we pass the questions around. Keeps the students studying and allows me to see where they are in their class.
Using CATS method is very beneficial. In fact, I used this method in my class two days ago. Not only did it help to determine what the students comprehended, it produced discussion among the students.
Hi Freda, Thanks for your post to the forum. I am glad that you are finding CATs beneficial! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.
Susan Polick
I really like this idea of having the students come up with questions to ask at the beginning of class because the students seem to have trouble asking questions since they do not want to feel "dumb". This anonymous way of asking questions could prove to be very valuable and get conversations going in class. I am definitely going to implement this in the classes I think it will benefit the most.
This I like, I can’t wait to use these in my classroom. The minute paper CAT will help me to see if the students are getting the right ideas from the content of the lecture and from the labs.
Hi Jeffrey,Thanks for your post to the forum. I know you will find the Minute Paper useful! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.
Susan Polick
Hi Nicole, Thanks for your post to the forum. Good luck with this new tool!
Susan Polick