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Grading Tests as soon as they are over.

I give multiple choice tests as well as practical tests. I will give the multiple choice test first and then grade them together as a group so we can discuss the correct and wrong answers as they come up. I want to correct the porblem as soon as it occurs rather than sending them home thinking their wrong answer was right.

Even though we can't always give instant feedback, I agree with this instructor that the students should not leave the classroom with the idea that they have given the correct answer when in fact it is incorrect. Whether it is a test or a transcription exercise, I prefer to let my students see their errors as quickly as possible. Being available to reteach is also a benefit of tutorials for the students.

I always grade the test after completion. One, this allows for the students anxiety to be minimal, two, informs the students how they did, and to understand any mistakes that can be corrected for future application.

Grading test wrigt after is a way I always use to help the students learn from the test and not gust as a grade. Open disscussion after the test helps every one learn more and recive additional knowledge from it.

I also give multiple choice tests. After I grade them, we go over the answers and let them know what page the answer is in the book. Reinforcing my ansers.

I am doing this too.I do notice a difference with the students when I grade the test after completion. The test anxiety does stay low. It also helps me go over the mistakes and correct it in their mind. I want them to go home knowing how they did and being informed on how to do things in the correct manner. I feel the sooner I can correct and show them the right way of doing it. The chances of them making the same mistake again is less likely to happen.

I don't have to grade my tests. What I did, was I bought Exam Vue from FSCreations. Using this, I can post my tests online. What we do is first create study guides of the material we create, which they students can access at given times that we allow them to. The material in the study guides is from the previous lectures and labs that we created and had them do. When the time for the test arrives, they have a user name and password to enter the site and take there test. The test is graded as soon as they are done. We usually time there tests so they are prepared for certification, which are also timed. Once I view there scores, I then go over the tests with the students and have them record the correct answers and why they were correct and also help them see were they made the incorrect decision.

Going over the answers helps to reinforce the material for the final.

That's a good way to do it. You care about your students!

I do this as well, and I find that my students appreciate the instant feedback. I allow them to grade their own papers in a different ink so they can make little notes on thier papers to use later when studying.

One of the reasons I use multiple choice and T/F frequently is because the students love immediate feedback and I can get this type of test graded much quicker.

I use the multiple choice tests as well as diagrams. The multiple choice answers I grade and hand back and as a class we discuss why the correct answer is correct and also find a reference point in the book in case anyone is too afraid to ask where that is. The diagrams are important to test on as I teach anatomy and the students need to be able to identify parts of the body.

Hi Kimberly, Thanks for your post to the forum. Yes, reviewing the tests is essential and that you direct your students to the location of the correct answers in their text is excellent!
Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

Susan Polick

For the final exam I give multiple choice and also fill in the blank. we also discuss the correct answers

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