questions from students
Sometimes, students ask a question and he/she will say "This is probably a stupid question..."
but a very wise professor who I highly regarded in my undergraduate studies set us straight the first time someone said that.
He told us, "The only stupid question is the one that's not asked."
That for us as students provided an open atmosphere where we weren't afraid to ask any question for fear it would be stupid or senseless, or whatever.
To this day, I use that same line.
Vallorie ,
yes, it really is up to us to set that stage for a safe environment in which students can ask questions.
Ryan Meers, Ph.D.
I use that line as well and I love it. I encourage my students to ask questions reminding them that if they have a question, there are probably other students in the class with the same question.
I alway ask my students as questions. A lot of times students feel like their questions are dumb and may be ashame, but I tell my students aswell there no such thing as a dumb question. I would like my students to leave out of the class room with a piece of mind.
Yes, I do that too. I make a point of asking if there are any questions at the beginning and end of session. More often when introducing a new project. I reference the fact that other students may have the same question or it may hit them later and they can email me with a question.
I always say "questions are good".